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After working in corporate for over a decade, helping large organizations build relationships with their stakeholders, I quit. Even though I have always worked with organizations I was passionate about, it was time to create the future I wanted. Taking all that has been taught to me and the relationships I have nurtured during my career with me, I’ve launched Crystal Donak Consulting.

“What a bold move! How can you just up and quit?” my colleagues and friends have asked me. Seriously, that is a true quote. Looking at them with surprise, I responded: “It wasn’t bold, it was the ONLY move.”

Crystal Donak Consulting is shaped out of my desire to help people; the smaller organizations, the groups and individuals who love what they do and are intensely passionate about their mission. Those people who want to learn how to do “it” better.

My mission is to ensure that you are talking with your partners, not at your partners, through strategic marketing, communications and community building techniques.

Success is built through the people surrounding, working and aiding you.

Reaching those ideal people who have the same mission, vision or goals as you is how I help organizations achieve their goals.